Thursday, October 28, 2010

Sorry for the delay...

I Know it has been a lifetime since I posted something new... probably because my life is crazy right now -- juggling a new (or not so new.. 3, almost 4 month old) and work and husband.. lets just say I am not super woman. lol.. i think i've definitely figured that out. Anyway I thought I would post a few pics of Kailyn so that everyone can get an idea of how she's doing.. that is if you do not have a facebook and haven't seen. I promise that sometime in the near future I will write about all our many adventures so far. I am really excited that we are all going to Maryland and Virginia for the Xmas holidays! yay cold! After that we will be in New York City for the New Years. I am so happy I made that happen because Bill and I both miss the east coast more than I can say. Anyway, as of right now I'm at work so I have to run but again, i promise I will post soon. Love you all!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Long awaited update...

I am so sorry for being a big huge slacker about updating this blog! I am 35 weeks pregnant now. Last week I actually went to the hospital with contractions 5 minutes apart and it happened to be on the day of my college graduation. LOL.. I was receiving my AA last Wednesday but had to leave just prior to the ceremony. I was literally wearing my cap and gown and had to go. I might post the pics but since I look like a puffy teary mess I'm not sure I will. =P

I decided to go to Simi Valley Hospital since its very close to my house. I love this hospital and wish I had a doctor close by so I could deliver there. I'm sure Cedar Sinai will be great but it is definitely quite a drive from Simi. Once I got to the hospital they monitored me and wound up giving me a shot to stop the contractions and ordering me to stay home the next day. They did not put me on official bed rest but wanted me to generally take it easy... which I am TRYING to do... although Bill might disagree.

We still have so much to do before the baby comes! We had two amazing baby showers and our friends are so awesome for giving us so many great gifts and just for showing up and supporting us. The thing is though that we now have so many things and are not sure how to find homes for all those things which is driving Bill nuts cuz he's a neat freak. I have to do all the baby laundry (clothes, blankets, etc) and clean the house and the car and the carpet.. ::sigh:: just seems like so much but I know it's just my nesting instinct on overdrive. I'm sure everything will be fine though. =)

Right now I'm on a lunch break so I do have to run but will try to update the blog again soon!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

9 more weeks...

So I'm almost at 31 weeks now. The last few weeks I felt like I'm in the freaking twilight zone. Both Bill and I have been running non stop with work and school.. not to mention the constant stress of knowing we have such a short time until the baby comes. Last weekend we had one of our teachers accuse Bill of cheating (LAUGHABLE!) because he accidentally sent my homework in instead of his own. It was an honest mistake since the files had the same name but were in different folders. She kicked us out of the class until Bill sent her his files with the time signatures on them. At least as far as I know we're back in the class as she hasn't really gotten back to us much at all and hasn't apologized for yelling at us in front of the class and jumping to conclusions; she also blamed me and said I helped him cheat. AS IF!'s Thursday and my pregnancy hormones are still making me want to chuck a cinder block at her stupid face. Too much?

Other than the drama last weekend things are going pretty good. Last weekend on Mother's Day my dad brought over the baby's crib that he bought! Bill and my dad set it up and all we need now is the mattress and bedding set. It's been really exciting getting all the "tools" we need for the baby.. crib, pack n' play, stroller, clothes.. its wild. It is still very hard to picture us with a baby in our place. I know it will be a reality very soon.. and although at times it seems like I've been pregnant forever, it also feels as though this last part is just going by so fast I'm just running to catch up. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers that we can just focus on these last few weeks of school while not losing our minds at work.

The pics are from a few weeks ago at almost 29 weeks.. so I'm only a little bigger than this right now.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Bigger and Bigger!

Well I have all but lost complete control of my body. lol.. I have been lately trying to exercise more. I currently work out 3 -4 days a week and have cut out all the naughty milkshakes and bowls of ice cream I was eating in the beginning.. my doc said that was probably not the best. haha.. This whole thing is crazy though because I have no frame of reference of what I'm supposed to weigh or what I'm supposed to look like although I am thoroughly enjoying my round "bean belly" as Bill calls it.

Both Bill and I are getting more and more excited about our little girl. I know no one else will be quite as excited as us but we're okay with that. ;-) Lately Bill has taken to talking to her through my belly every night and they have quite the little father daughter thing goin on these days. He talks and she kicks right where his mouth is. haha.. its so funny. She definitely recognizes his voice. Its very hard to believe that she will be here in only a few months! weird...

Well, we realized we hadn't taken many pictures on this amazing journey of ours so we took a few of my belly the other night and I thought I would post em. It probably already looks bigger than this but here are the pics from my 25th week (ie. 6 1/2 months).

Monday, March 8, 2010

Playing Catch-Up

So much has happened since the last time I wrote. I am very bad at being a blogger apparently. Anyhow, we had our 20 week ultrasound last week and IT'S A GIRL! I had a feeling since my whole family almost is comprised of girls. Gorgeous girls. =) ...and modest too. So that being said I'm pretty sure our daughter with the exception of being a fat baby will be quite a looker after she looses the two chins she is bound to have since Bill and I were both chunky babies. Oh and everyone needs to pray the baby gets Bill's metabolism. =o haha..

In the weeks prior to finding out about our little "lady bean" as Bill calls her we got to take a trip down to Orange County and also hang out for another weekend with Bill's grandmother.
During our trip down to Orange County we got to see my friend Nicole and her beautiful daughter Kayla at the beach. It was so fun... Bill is so good with kids.. probably because he still acts like one a lot of the time! haha.. in a good way! A few weeks before, Nicole and Kayla came up to our place and we had a lil sleepover and baked cookies. I think these two times hanging out with Kayla really made Bill interested in having a girl since Kayla is an awesome little lady to hang out with. After seeing Bill with Kayla I am definitely convinced he's going to be a perfect dad for a little girl.
Bill's Awesome Sand Castle!

There are some more pics from these times but I posted them on my Facebook page if you'd like to see em. Well, that's about it... I am generally feeling well and looking forward to the next few months. I will try to update this in a week or two and get some more pics of my growing belly on here. ..Until then...


Tuesday, February 9, 2010


As of now I am 17 1/2 weeks pregnant... and I caught the crappy cold that Bill had last week. I woked up with my nose completely stuffed up and thus I stayed home from work today to see if I can kick it. Its pretty bad though and I am really hoping I can make it in tomorrow as I really want to save my sick days.

I feel like I have felt little flutters this week but since this is my first child I am just not sure what I am feeling so I am just really excited about my OB appointment next week because I will get to hear the beans heartbeat again. We are really counting down to March 1st though at this point because I think we are both chaffing at the bit to find out the sex. Its hard to explain but I think finding out what we're having will bring a whole new reality to everything. Well, this one is short and sweet and you can bet your ass I am not going to be posting any pictures of me in this pathetic state of preggo sickness.. snot nosed, wearing my Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young tie-dye and black stretch pants with the hole in them. haha... um no.. but now you have a clear picture, wanted or unwanted of my current state. Hopefully next time I write I will be slightly more clear headed and less gross feeling. See ya next time...

Friday, January 29, 2010

My First Blog

This is my first blog ever in life. lol... amazing I know. It's 2010 already GOSH! Anyhoo, I figured I would start this blog since I am now 15 weeks, 6 days pregnant and I have not yet documented much of anything about this, my first pregnancy. So far aside from extreme bouts of paranoia and mild episodes of crazy this pregnancy has been relatively easy. The beginning was a little weird though.. I started this pregnancy out with a lot of cramping and a bad UTI which I had never had before so it was pretty scary. Now though, I have been great and we are just eagerly waiting to find out what we are having. March 1st is our 2nd trimester ultrasound so this will most likely be the big day! At this point neither one of us really care what we will have as long as its healthy. I know Bill kinda is pulling for a boy but after seeing how wonderful many of our friends daughters are he's becoming more comfortable with the idea of having a girl. Anyway, I wanted to end this first short blog with a pic from my birthday/ holiday party last month when I was about 9 weeks pregnant. (See right) =)